Looking for a way to get your employees on board with giving? Create a matching gift program!

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

2 Corinthians 9:7

Set up your program

Set Up a Gift Matching Program

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You can lead your company in a culture of cheerful giving that has eternal impact by establishing a matching gift program as an employee benefit. You can have a list of approved non-profits and include Send56, or set up your matching program directly with us. We will give you a unique giving link to include in your benefits package and send you regular reports on your employee giving, making it easy for you to match their contributions. Creating a matching gift program is an excellent opportunity to encourage generosity, while contributing to sending the gospel. 
Click the button below to talk to someone at our US HQ who can give you additional information on starting your matching gift program with Send56.

Create tangible and lasting impact with your tax-deductible donations!

“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will repay him for his deed.”

Proverbs 19:17

Support a community project
Bring positive change to a community in Africa by sponsoring a project that ushers in hope and sustainability to the gospel work being done by Send56 mission teams. Underdeveloped infrastructure, lack of resources, and the remote location of our teams all play a role in the challenge of the work at hand. Our ongoing projects address these issues and need funding from businesses like yours! Whether it's digging wells or building schools, your company can create real, lasting change by investing into these frontline workers and the communities they are reaching. 

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Click below and find out other ways you can join the mission today!
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