Did you know that Jesus calls us to engage in missions through prayer?

“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

Matthew 9:38

You can engage in your great commission call today by simply committing to PRAY!

Your prayers...

  • to the Lord of the harvest, 
  • for the training and sending of missionaries (the laborers), 
  • unto disciples of Jesus being raised up among the unreached (the harvest), 

will impact gospel reach in a vital way today. When you sign up to pray, you will receive our newsletters, which take turns highlighting our teams on the field. Whether you engage as a church body, small group or Sunday School class, you will be equipped to pray as you learn about the region, the target people group and their specific testimonies and prayer needs. Involve your church on the frontlines of great commission work by joining us as we contend together for gospel breakthrough in these hard to reach places.

Do you feel called to give your time and energy to the great commission?

Volunteering is a no cost way to invest in the work it takes to keep missionaries going, people sending and believers praying. In other words, gifting your skills impacts the harvest! If this resonates with you, Send56 may have a place for you to serve. Whether you live locally or remote, we would love to learn more about you and connect you with potential service opportunities. Click the link below to fill out an interest form and one of our US HQ staff will follow up.

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Volunteer interest form

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“Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

Luke 6:38

Other ways to get involved

Are you part of a business? Want to get your church involved?
Click below and find out other ways you can join the mission today!
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